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Business Energy Bill Discount Scheme Calculator (EBDS Calculator)

We’ve created our Business Energy Bill Relief Scheme & Energy Bill Discount Scheme Calculator to demonstrate the potential savings available to your business through the Government Business Energy Bill Relief Scheme and the Energy Bill Discount Scheme.

Simply choose Dual fuel or Electric or Gas Only and then complete the required fields and we’ll email you through your potential savings PDF report!

The Business Energy Bill Discount Scheme will provide energy bill relief for non-domestic customers in Great Britain between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024.

As with the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, any discount will only be available to those non-domestic customers completing contracts after the 01st of December 2021. The wholesale cost on that date is then used to calculate the per kWh discount received. The government currently publishes weekly wholesale energy data for use as part of the current Energy Bill Relief Scheme. We assume this data publishing will continue for the Energy Bill Discount Scheme moving forward. We update our Energy Bill Discount Scheme calculator with the latest government data as soon as possible following publication.

**Update:17/01/2023 The Government have now updated their online eligibility guidance to include businesses on Deemed, Variable and Out of Contract Rates, and at present we can only assume that the level of support will be at the maximum level for these rate types. Unlike the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, the government’s criteria for the Energy Bill Discount scheme currently only supports businesses that are in a contract. Our Business Energy Bill Discount Scheme Calculator provides all the calculations you need to provide you with a PDF breakdown of estimated government support for both schemes provided you aren’t currently on out-of-contract, deemed or variable rates.
When completing the calculator you will receive a PDF with a breakdown of support under each of the government schemes.

The Energy Bill Relief Scheme section for fixed contracts will include a discount representing the difference between the wholesale price, at the time of completing your contract, and the government-supported price of 21.1p for Electricity and 7.5p for Gas.

The wholesale supported price is also the retail rate floor price. This is to prevent any customers from paying less than the supported wholesale price. Our Business Energy Bill Discount Scheme Calculator automatically calculates your estimated savings based on all the currently available criteria.

The Energy Bill Discount Scheme provides a discount per kWh up to a maximum discount of 1.961p per kWh for Electricity and 0.697p per kWh for Gas. This is based on the wholesale price on the day you completed your contract being greater than 30.2p for Electricity and 10.7p for Gas. If the wholesale rate on the day of completion is greater than the threshold price the per-unit discount will be adjusted on a sliding scale up to its maximum discount value.

Each week the dataset used to create our Business Energy Bill Relief Scheme Calculator, is updated. The government published the current dataset on the 20th of February 2023.

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Business Energy Bill Relief Scheme Calculator - Black Sheeo Utilities - Rodney