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Wind Turbines – Turning on Deadline

The last of the 116 wind turbines have now been installed at the Rampion wind farm off the coast of Brighton and Hove. The 28-square mile, £1.3 Billion-pound project is expected to supply enough electricity to power 347,000 homes a year, the equivalent of around half the homes in the Sussex area.

Further work will now continue with construction and commissioning work, on both offshore and onshore substations, as well as the controversial work to complete the onshore cable route across the South Downs.

The cabling route hit the news following the completion of the wind farm after “Eco-warrior” Simon Konecki, made a YouTube video claiming the route had left a “scar” on the South Downs. The American banker turned eco-warrior businessman, posted a “mini-documentary” quoting The Parks Authority claiming E.ON has 10 years to get the park back to its original state. However, the Parks Authority have said they are disappointed that their comments have been taken out of context.


“It’s important that the route is restored to the highest possible standard. However, as the film-maker was aware, most of the route is farmland which will quickly return to pasture or crops when the soil is completely returned next year– Parks authority Spokeswoman

Offshore Wind Turbines at Sunset

The Components for the 116 turbines have been making quite the trip to get to their destination. Having been made in Esbjerg, Denmark’s offshore hub, before being shipped eight at a time to their final home at the offshore construction site, 13KM off the Sussex Coast.

The two Jack-up vessels – The MPI Discovery and MPI Adventure, both parts of E.ON’s long term charter, which installed the first of the wind turbines on the 10th of March 2017 have kept to the build schedule and have completed their task within the deadline. This means that the 400MW wind farm could be beginning to produce electricity as early as December.

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