With Millions on poor value energy tariffs – What can you do?
Dermot Nolan’s (OFGEM) keynote speech at today’s Future of Energy Supply Event was essentially one message – don’t put up with set prices and poor service, switch suppliers.We have a habit in the UK to settle in with our energy suppliers. We have the notion that “Once it’s set up that’s all I have to do”. The truth is that Energy prices are rising dramatically, and without shopping around you won’t get the best price and service.“It is a good sign that when consumers do vote with their feet, and walk away from suppliers who don’t deliver, it drives up standards across industry” -Dermot Nolan

“Our vision is for a market where all consumers have the tools, and – importantly – feel empowered enough, to make active choices about who their supplier is or what tariff they’re on. There’s still a very long way to go.” – Dermot Nolan