Winter is coming. That means rising winter prices! Black SheepWorld News - News Category - Black Sheep Utilities October 10, 2016 Winter is coming. That means rising winter prices!Rising winter prices - 3 reasons to arrange your new contract. Rising winter prices can… blacksheep Love3084
Npower job losses ‘devastating blow’ UK July 15, 2014 Npower job losses ‘devastating blow’Unison warned the Npower job losses would deal a "devastating blow" to communities across the… blacksheep Love980
Energy Market Stabilises after Oil Prices Plummet World News - News Category - Black Sheep Utilities April 21, 2013 Energy Market Stabilises after Oil Prices PlummetOil Prices Plummet - Energy Market stabilises and current volatile oil prices could even begin… blacksheep Love160
Gas Facility Shutdown – UK’s Largest! BusinessEnergy PricesOil and Gas - News Category - Black Sheep Utilities March 23, 2013 Gas Facility Shutdown – UK’s Largest!Gas prices for the coming winter surged more than 8% on Wednesday after Centrica Storage… blacksheep Love3087